About Us
Expert providers of real psychometric and aptitude tests online for free. Tips, solutions and advice.
It all started when we had to do a psychometric test ourselves...
AssessmentDay uses industry-leading chartered occupational psychologists to bring you accurate practice versions of the tests used by recruiters. Our consultants have worked for the largest test publishers such as SHL, Kenexa, PSL and Talent Q, so we have in-depth knowledge of how psychometric tests work.
AssessmentDay was setup to help graduates and job seekers find out about the psychometric tests commonly used by employers. By being familiar with the style and layout of aptitude tests, knowing what to expect, and knowing how your score will be used, candidates are less flustered and are better able to perform to their best ability. AssessmentDay was created by a pair of engineering students from Bristol University who found a relative lack of reliable, free practice tests available that accurately reflected the tests employers were using. So they decided to get test writers to write some practice questions for all to share. Some of these professional test writers have worked for major psychometric test publishers such as SHL, Kenexa, PSL and Talent Q. So as a job seeker you can be confident the questions on AssessmentDay accurately reflect those you will have to face online or at an assessment centre.

AssessmentDay has grown in popularity, with our tests being used by thousands of UK graduates and job hunters. Our website is now seen on the careers pages of over 40 UK universities and is also featured on prominent graduate careers websites including Prospects.ac.uk, CareerBuilder, WikiJob, GradSouthWest, Gradseast and GraduatesYorkshire.
AssessmentDay is also an active engager in student enterprise. To see our founder Oliver Savill as a mentor for the University of Essex Entrepreneurs' Workshop click here
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